Hi, my name is Mahmoud Tarek.
I am an Egyptian 16 years old programmer who have a lot of passion in making and developing games that entertains the world.
I also do develop and make Websites and mobile apps, but for me, making games is the thing I like MOST!!
My organization name for making games is called MGAMES, stands for Mahmoud GAMES. ๐
I am always available in case you want a service.
I am just a ring away ๐:
Email: ma7moudalgamal@gmail.com
Phone: +966 55 351 4103
WhatsApp: +20 110 435 9092
Instagram: @ma7m0ud_algamal
Facebook: Mahmoud Tarek
And that's it, I think.
Happy to see you around ๐
Here are some of my games: